24-7 Complex Care

Complex Care is our specialty

Feel at ease with us, as we uncomplicate your complex care.

Our nursing team:

  • provides consistent nursing oversight
  • advocates for your needs and wants
  • collaborates with your multidisciplinary team
  • implements tailored safety systems, policies and procedures
  • provides nursing-led teaching, training and professional development

At the heart of this process is what we call person to person-centred care. This means we see and respect you as a unique individual with valuable gifts, contributions, preferences and knowledge, not as a disability. It also means we provide quality education and support to our staff, so they can support you to a high standard.

Services we specialise in:

Tracheotomy and ventilation management Feeding management Pressure injury prevention and wound care Pain relief strategies
Oxygen therapy Bowel therapy Hoisting and transfers Holistic personal care
Stoma management In-dwelling catheter management Support and advice with equipment Implementing Allied Health programs


Overall, our trusted support professionals care for you like they would their own family – remembering always it’s your Bountiful Care, your way.

Our disability and nursing service is modelled on evidence-based practice and the quality improvement cycle.

Why choose us?

Trusted NDIS disability support provider
24-7 disability and nursing support
Complex care specialists
Standout clinical expertise
Uncompromised standards
Commitment and dependability
Boutique, person-centred service
Sense of belonging

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We provide disability support and community access, specialising in complex care and nursing. We deliver a joyful, positive experience for each participant where both needs and wants are met through high quality, person to person-centred care.

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